Here's just a small sampling of the feedback that we have received over the years.
"The counseling I received at Proximus changed my life. I was angry and didn't know how to find my way out of the emotional hole I was in. My counselor was very knowledgeable and, through wise and biblical counsel, walked with me on a journey of healing that restored my heart and helped me to reconnect to my spiritual roots. Jesus felt near again! I learned what true satisfaction was. Since then, through life's ups and downs, I have felt equipped to survive and thrive." - Anonymous
"During a time of prolonged soul searching, my wife asked me to find a counselor. God led us to Dr. Bond, an expert on pastoral resiliency. My first session was unforgettable. With laser-like precision, Dwayne identified the source of my burnout and helped me to "re-hear" the Lord's call on my life. As we continued to meet, my understanding of fruitful gospel work was renewed, which has led to major changes in my ministry and great joy in my marriage. If you're balking at the thought of seeing a counselor, quit stalling. We spend plenty of time and money getting work done on our cars and homes; how much more should we invest in repairing and maintaining our souls? My wife and I thank God for the wisdom and encouragement that have come through my time with Dwayne Bond." - Bill J., Associate Pastor (Johnson City, TN)
"My experience under Dwayne Bond's care changed the trajectory of my life. He is a wise and humble guide, spiritually perceptive and passionate about helping others thrive in all areas of their lives." - Kirstin B., Former Seminary Student
"God richly blessed my life the day he directed my path to cross with Dr. Dwayne Bond/Proximus Group. The encouragement and wisdom that I have received over the years has been a foundational resource that has kept me going in ministry with joy. God has shaped my life and he has powerfully used Dwayne/Proximus to play a key role in my sanctification." - Stephen Wagoner - Catalytic Missionary - Unleashed by Design and Planting Elder - Church in the Triad (Greensboro, NC)
As a Church Planter, I have been tremendously blessed by Dr. Bond's expertise in pastoral care, his profound biblical literacy, and Spirit-filled, professional counseling. When I was going through one of the most difficult seasons of life and ministry, Dr. Bond had a way of shepherding me through it, while pointing me to the great Shepherd himself. I walked into sessions worrying, and left worshipping! Proximus Group has been an instrument of growth and healing for me and I am confident the same will be true for other leaders! -Pastor Melo Sauval, One Family Church (Orlando, FL)
Dr. Bond is a true biblical counselor. His expertise and skill in this field is matched with a clear humble reliance on the Spirit of God, and the heart of a spiritual father. In my time with Dr. Bond, I felt heard, comforted, and challenged in a way that led to a renewed sense of gospel courage in my life and ministry. - Matt Morgan, Pastor, Coach - Three Swallow Leadership